Several steps need to be taken to successfully expand sales lines by participating in tenders held by other organizations and generating additional revenue from this.
To begin with, it is necessary to obtain an electronic digital signature, register in the Unified Register of Procurement Participants, as well as, if necessary, accreditation at a federal electronic site. The laws and many other regulations in this area should then be examined.
To choose the right procurement, you need to constantly monitor the Unified Information System, in which customers place purchases, and analyze how profitable and advisable it will be to participate in a specific procedure.
Once the decision to participate has been made, the procurement documentation should be carefully reviewed and the required documents prepared correctly, since it is precisely on the correctness and completeness of the documents that the admission to participate in the procedure will depend.
For advice on all matters related to bidding, please contact our company.
All information to contact us is listed in the Contacts section.